
Investment In Child Education: How Much Money Do You Need

Both child insurance and child education plans are ways to safeguard your child’s future, but they differ in more than ways. You can make a decision to secure your child’s future only after knowing the features of the two. Discover some of the characteristics that set them apart by reading on.

What Is Life Insurance?

A life insurance product basically ensures the financial security of your loved ones after your passing. Here, the policy can be useful to safeguard both your future and the future of your child.

Ideally, life insurance pays out a single sum of money to the policy’s beneficiaries upon the death of the policyholder. The deceased’s dependents may spend the money received as they see fit. However, term insurance is also the most cost-effective life insurance option on the market.

Unlike a child plan, you can buy the policy at any life stage and customise it as you expand your family. Because of this, Indian insurers let you increase the policy’s coverage with rider benefits.

Your children’s and other family members’ financial futures are also secured by a life insurance policy.

What Is Child Insurance?

A child insurance plan serves as a life insurance policy and investment that, over time, contributes to the future well-being of your child. There are multiple child plans available in the market. Parents are the main policyholders and the children are the beneficiaries of child insurance.

Based on the earnings generated, the investment portion of the policy helps pay for your child’s college education or marriage. While the life insurance portion protects your child’s financial future in the event of your untimely demise.

What Distinguishes Child Plans Different From Other Insurance Plans?

Following are some of the key differences between child plans and other plans – 

  • Purpose

A life insurance plan, as the name implies, is largely for providing safety in case of your demise and seeks to support the family contingent to that event. In contrast, a child insurance policy will pay out the entire term amount or recompense the child when they reach adulthood, allowing them to continue their education in the terrible case of the parent’s passing.

  • Premiums

The coverage and benefits chosen will determine the cost of a child plan’s premiums.Additionally, the insurer keeps funding the coverage even after your passing. Therefore, the child plan rates tend to be larger compared to life insurance.

To calculate the rates for your chosen coverage and benefits under the life insurance, you can use the life insurance calculator.

  • Payouts

Child plans give money to the kids at predetermined times or milestones. Except for the death benefit paid to your dependents, there are no payouts in case of child insurance.

  • Partial Withdrawals

Child insurance permits partial withdrawals. Any financial obligation may be satisfied with the gained funds.

With life insurance, partial withdrawals are not permitted. However, if you have critical illness insurance, the insurer will pay you a flat sum when you are told you have a serious medical condition. The money earned might be used to pay for hospital stays and medical care.


While both child education and insurance plans offer the policyholder and the child clear advantages, there are differences in the duration, the premium paid, and the benefits covered. You can choose either option to safeguard your child’s financial future after you are certain of the benefits you anticipate from your child plan.

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Public Provident Fund: Everything You Should Be Aware Of

In 1968, the Ministry of Finance established the Public Provident Fund Scheme, a tax-deferral plan with a 7.6 percent interest rate. It was created mainly to encourage salaried people to save, and the minimum deposit amount in a PPF account is not very high. Investing in a PPF account is a good idea because it lets you save on taxes, it’s easy to understand because it’s backed by the government, and the money you put in there is safe.

What is a Public Provident Fund Account?

A PPF is a voluntary long-term investment plan that is not linked to the market and is supported by the central government. It guarantees returns (usually between 7-8%). PPF plans have a lock-in duration of 15 years, which can be extended by up to 5 more years. After seven years, however, you can take money out of your account (up to half of the public provident fund balance). You can also use the money in your PPF account to get a loan.

PPF accounts can accept deposits as low as Rs. 500 and as much as Rs. 1.5 lakh. If you don’t keep at least the minimum amount in your Public Provident Fund account, it goes to sleep. To open the account, you will have to pay a fine of Rs. 50. On the other hand, if you put more than Rs. 1.5 lakh into your PPF account, the sum over Rs. 1.5 lakh won’t earn any interest.

Contributions to a PPF account, income received on those contributions, and the principal at maturity are all free of taxation thanks to the account’s exempt-exempt-exempt (EEE) status. Under Section 80C, you can deduct the full amount of your PPF contributions up to Rs. 1.5 million from your taxable income.

Benefits from the Public Provident Fund

The following are the benefits of the public provident fund:

  • A public provident fund is a good way to plan for retirement because, with disciplined saving, it’s easy to set up a great financial cushion for the future, and both investment growth and tax-free returns add to it.
  • A PPF is a good long-term investment that lasts 15 years and has a seven-year lock-in period. With attractive interest rates that are added up every year, the PPF is a better way to make money than bank fixed deposits.
  • A PPF is a plan that is backed by the government. It has a lower chance of going bankrupt and is thought to be a safe way to save money for the future.
  • Since PPF is a government-backed programme, it is immune to claims from creditors and legal processes.
  • The money you put into a public provident fund grows tax-deferred, and any withdrawals you make after retirement are likewise excluded from taxes under section 80C of the Income Tax Act, making it a great choice for retirement savings.
  • A PPF account can be opened at any government or public sector bank, including post offices, that is authorised to accept PPF deposits. Also, a PPF account can now be opened by a single person.

Period of the PPF’s Validity

The PPF is valid for at least 15 years. This deadline can be pushed back by five years at a time. Your PPF account can be preserved even after it has reached maturity if you like, and the present rate of return means that doing so will not incur any penalties.

 Maturity of the Public Provident Fund

Your Personal Pension Fund (PPF) account is considered mature if 15 complete financial years have occurred since the end of the fiscal year in which it was first opened.

Withdrawal from the Public Provident Fund (PPF)

By taking Form C to a post office or bank at the end of the term, you can get the whole amount and close your PPF account. You can avoid having to remove the entire balance at once by withdrawing a certain amount annually instead of taking it out when the investment matures.


In addition to assisting you in setting aside a sufficient amount of money for your life after retirement, a Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a useful financial tool that, throughout the course of your working life, can also serve as a valuable investment that reduces your overall tax liability.

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How to get a 30k pension per month?

Planning for retirement is more important than ever if you want to be financially stable and independent in the future. But because inflation is going up every year, small amounts saved in a bank account won’t be enough to last the whole time you’re retired. Smart investments must be made today in order to have a comfortable retirement in the future—say, a pension of RS. 30,000 per month.

How to Invest to Get a 30K Pension Every Month?

If someone invests regularly, they can easily get a monthly pension of Rs. 30,000 or much more. Here are a few of the important things that affect how much an investor can get as a pension when he or she retires:

  1. Investing Age

The age at which investments are made is important since beginning investments at a young age might yield greater returns on a smaller initial investment.

  1. Pension Option

Compared to equity funds, which offer high returns for those willing to take on significant risk, many government initiatives and schemes offer assured returns for those willing to take on zero risk. If an individual wants a monthly pension of Rs. 30,000, for instance, they will need to invest roughly Rs. 5,000 each month for 10 to 15 years.

  1. Tax Deductions

An investor’s savings can go to the government if they don’t plan their investments well. Investments should be spread out so that taxes are kept to a minimum and more money is made.

How to Get Rs. 30,000 a Month in a Pension Through Investment?

Investing carefully can yield a pension of Rs. 30,000 per month, which is not an astronomical sum. If one is planning for retirement and wants a monthly income of Rs. 30,000, there are a number of investment opportunities to explore –

  1. The National Pension Plan (NPS)

The National Pension Scheme, or NPS, is a voluntary retirement plan backed by the government. It is run by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA). Under the NPS plan, investors can put a certain amount of their monthly salary into their NPS account while they are working. When the investor reaches the age of retirement, they are permitted to withdraw up to forty percent of the accrued corpus, but the remaining sixty percent must be re-invested in the annuity.

  1. Plans for Insurance Based on Units

ULIPs, or Unit-Linked Insurance Plans, are the plans that investors should look for if they want both security and investment benefits. This insurance and investment plan helps make money and provides protection for the family of the policyholder in case they die too soon. So, it is gaining a lot of popularity right now and is thought to be one of the best ways to invest for people who are willing to take moderate to high risks.

  1. Term Deposits

Fixed deposits are a type of investment that can be made in India at many financial institutions and banks. They offer a significant interest rate over a time period that can be anywhere from seven days to ten years. The interest rate on the fixed deposit is set when the account is opened. Since it is not linked to the market, the rate does not change with the changes in the financial market.

  1. Plans For Pensions That Guarantee A Return

The main goal of this policy is to give investors a fixed monthly income even after they retire, so that they can enjoy their retirement without having to worry about money.


Making the proper investments at the appropriate time can make it easy for a policyholder to retire with a monthly income of $30,000. But people often put off planning for retirement, which can lead to a hectic life filled with financial concerns. When you think about how unpredictable life is, a few retirement amounts every month are essential and should be taken very seriously.

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ULIP Calculator- Calculate Your Return On ULIP Investment Online

Are you considering investing in a ULIP? Now is the perfect time to do so – with interest rates low and the market looking healthy, there’s no reason not to take advantage of this investment opportunity. If you’re unsure how much return you can expect on your investment, check out our ULIP calculator to see what figure you could be looking at.

What Is An ULIP?

ULIP stands for Unit Linked Investment Plan. Essentially, it is a type of investment product that offers a high rate of return, but with the added security of being backed by the government. ULIPs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but all share one key feature: they are designed to give you regular income while you invest for the long term. How do ULIPs 

ULIPs work by linking your principal (the money you deposit) with the returns generated on your investment. This means that even if the stock market goes down, your ULIP will still provide you with the promised returns. How much can I earn?

How Does The ULIP Work?

ULIPs work by allowing investors to withdraw money tax-free, after making initial payments over a set period of time. The initial payments are usually high, but the returns on ULIPs tend to be much higher than regular savings accounts or investments.

ULIPs can be a great way to get high returns while taking minimal risk. However, like any investment, there are risks associated with using ULIPs. One of the biggest risks is that an ULIP may not pay out as expected. If the investments made in an ULIP don’t generate enough returns to cover the initial payment obligations, the investor may have to withdraw their money early. This can lead to significant losses.

ULIPs are also risky because they’re typically designed as short-term investments. If the markets are in a downturn, ULIPs may not perform as well as other investments. This means that if you decide to use an ULIP, you may need to be prepared to lose some of your money.

Overall, ULIPs are a great way to get high returns with minimal risk, but there are risks associated with using them so it’s important to understand the product before investing.

Benefits Of Investing In ULIPs

Following are some of the key benefits of investing in ULIPs – 

1. Low-Cost And Tax-Efficient: ULIPs are often tax-efficient, as the returns are taxed at a lower rate than regular equity or debt investments.

2. Flexible Investment Options: ULIPs offer a wide range of investment options, including stocks, bonds, and options. This flexibility allows you to tailor your holdings to cater to your individual risk and investment goals.

3. Quick And Easy Investment Access: ULIPs are typically easy to invest in – you can typically open an account within minutes through a broker or online portal.

4. Diversification Benefits: ULIPs offer diversification benefits over traditional stocks and bond investments, as they provide exposure to a wider range of companies and asset classes. This helps reduce the risk of losing money if one sector or asset class experiences a downturn.

5. Flexibility To Grow Your Money Over Time: Withdrawal penalties may apply if you withdraw funds from ULIPs before the maturity date, but this is generally less restrictive than with other types of investments. 

How To Calculate Your Return On An ULIP Investment Online?

If you’re considering investing in ULIPs, you’ll want to know how much return you can expect on your investment. Fortunately, calculating your return is easy with a few simple steps.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Start by figuring out the initial deposit amount you made into your ULIP.

2. Next, calculate the annualised return on that investment over the course of the year. This will give you the percentage of return you earned on your initial deposit each and every month.

3. Finally, add up all of those monthly returns and divide them by the total number of months in the year to get your final return percentage.

This is just one way to calculate your return on an ULIP investment, but it’s a good way to get an idea of what you stand to earn. Remember to do your own research before investing in any type of financial product, as the returns you might experience could vary significantly from one ULIP to the next.


If you’re considering investing in a ULIP, or want to calculate your return on investment, our online calculator can help you figure out what’s right for you. Just enter the details of your investment and we’ll do the maths for you. This will give you an idea of how much money you stand to make over time, as well as how much risk there is involved. Remember: never invest money that you cannot afford to lose!

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5 Reasons To Invest In ULIP

Below we have enlisted few of the reasons which make ULIPs worth investing – 

1. You Will Gain Tax Benefits

Investing in  Easy To Access And Can Be Fun To Invest In

ULIPs are easy to access and they offer a variety of investment options, including stocks, mutual funds, and bonds. This means that you can find one that is right for you and invest in it with ease.

ULIPs gives you a host of tax benefits that can help you save on your taxes. For example, ULIPs offer tax exemption for the first Rs 1.5 lakh invested in them, and they also have a compounding effect that allows you to earn interest on the amount you have already deposited.

2. You Will Get A Higher Yield Than Regular Savings Accounts

ULIPs offer higher interest rates than regular savings accounts. This is because ULIPs are classified as high-growth investments. This means that the money in these accounts is usually used to invest in stocks and other securities that offer high returns.

3. They Are Flexible And Easy To Use

ULIPs are flexible investment vehicles that allow you to customise your investment strategy. You can also open multiple accounts with different providers, so that you can spread your risk across a variety of investments.

4. They AreMutual funds are an important part of any retirement portfolio, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind before investing. In this article, we’ll take a look at five reasons why you should consider investing in a ULIP – and whether or not it’s the right choice for you.

5. They Are A Good Choice If You Want To Save For A Long Period Of Time

ULIPs are a good choice if you want to save for a long period of time. This is because the money you invest in them is locked in, so you don’t have to worry about it going down in value over time.

Overall, ULIPs are a great choice for anyone looking to invest in a flexible and high-yield investment vehicle. Keep these five reasons in mind when deciding whether or not to invest in a ULIP and you should be good to go!


Investing in ULIPs (Unified Long-Term Inflation Rate Plans) can be a wise decision for those looking to safeguard their finances in the long term. These plans offer stability and predictability, which is something that many people are looking for when it comes to their finances. Plus, ULIPs tend to offer higher returns than most other investment options, which can help you achieve your financial goals faster. If you’re interested in investing in ULIPs, I recommend checking out our selection of plans here at Investopedia.

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